
Deepspace Web Services

Schools Email Addresses Information


UK and Ireland Schools Email Address Database ... 24 month licence

Data format: Data is supplied as a CSV file suitable for loading into any Office application such as Access, Excel, Word, Outlook.
Delivery: Data files are delivered by download; hence delivery is fast and free.
Database Structure: All necessary fields are supplied to permit you to select schools by County, Local Education Authority, postcode, region, primary/secondary, state/independent.

Schools Postal Addresses Database Record Structure: each school record contains the following fields:

Field Name explanation of field name
REF  our unique reference number for each school
EMAIL school email address
SCHOOL  school name
ADDR1  address first line / street address
ADDR2  address second line
TOWN  town
POSTTOWN  post-town
POSTCODE  postcode
COUNTY  county
LEA  local education authority
COUNTRY  country
TYPE  nursery, primary, secondary, sixth form college, special, tertiary, university, pru
independent  state school = 0 (false); independent school = -1 (true)
tel  telephone number
fax  fax number
on-roll  number of pupils on-roll  - ALL English schools have this data item)
region  UK region: ... see Maps at
headteacher  headteacher’s name
6th form has a sixth form (True) or not (False)
Academy is an Academy (True) or not (False
URN government URN ref number (for schoolsin England & Wales

UK Region Codes (Ofsted regions)
South West England=SW, South East England=SE, Greater London=LO, Eastern England=EA, East Midlands=EM, West Midlands=WM, Yorkshire and Humberside=YO, North East England=NE, North West England=NW, Scotland=SC, Wales=WA, N. Ireland=NI

Usage of lists: 
There are no restrictions on the number of times the addresses can be used within the two year licence period for the purpose of bulk postal mailing of schools. 
A seperate licence is available (at the same price) permitting usage of the data to populate a website with a complete set of UK schools.

Licence agreement : 
Details of the Email Addresses Licence agreement are shown in the applicable section of our Terms & Conditions

Usage Advice: 
We recommend loading the supplied CSV file into Microsoft Excel and saving as an Excel Workbook before using in conjunction with a Word mailmerge.

Database Quality: 
Our Schools database has been under under constant full-time maintenance and development since 2003.